Monday, February 11, 2013

To lie or not to lie????

Okay, we all do it...LIE to our children.  But when does it become too much?

Just the other day, we had a mouse trap set to obviously "get" the mouse. My little guy said "mommy, when we catch it can we keep it as a pet"  This said by the boy who wanted a pet dinosaur the day prior.   "No sweetie, when we catch it we will send it outside back to his family"...LIE.

When they want to go to the Bounce Place and I know it is at a time that every child that has been cooped up inside with cabin fever is going, I LIE and say it is not opened.

How do I stop this?? or should I?  I am a bit eccentric with the make believe world.  Of coarse Santa and the Easter Bunny visit yearly, but we now have that damn Elf...we set leprechaun traps on St Paddy's Day...we make treats for the winter fairies, spring fairies, and in return they leave fairy dust as a thank you.  The tooth fairy even left a note explaining why she left more money for one tooth (that she got pulled) just so she does not think she will receive that amount on her future teeth.

Out of control??? Perhaps. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

valentines day

  Since today is Valentine's Day I thought this would be the perfect day to express the overwhelming love I have for my children. Michaela and Nolan are growing up so fast and are becoming into their own! I woke up this morning with wonderful homemade cards, flowers, and candy.  I made heart shaped pancakes with chocolate chips and had a wonderful morning with my 2 angels. I mean just today I had a friend over with her 2 kids and my sweet little Michaela punched her son in the gut and my adorable Nolan spit in his face. Yes, i know you must think..."Wow!  My child would never do that" ...BLAH....BLAH...BLAH! You know what?  My child was never going to do that either. I wonder daily how these kids someday will grow up and become part of society. Fingers crossed...right?
   Well, as I am now hearing the screams of 2 children fighting in the living room, I must bid farewell.